appears to be the result of the expression of multiple abnormal genes acting in
concert, likely initiated by some external factor(s). This would explain why there are so many
variants of autism and why there can seem to be autistic-like traits in close
Gene-based Autism Research
candidate genes have been identified, such as those linked to fragile X
syndrome, tuberous sclerosis etc.
Researchers then follow the science from the target gene to identify a
possible therapy. At this point the
researchers then seem to lose their scientific logic; they then try and apply
their new therapy to all kinds of autism, i.e. the ones without the
“faulty gene”.
This really
goes back to our current limited understanding of the brain,
medicine is more art than science, and we should perhaps suspend logic and accept this
trial and error approach as valid. At least call it trial and error.
Creatine is
an organic acid produced naturally in the body.
It helps to supply energy to all cells in the body. This is
achieved by increasing the formation of adenosine
triphosphate (ATP).
Creatine is not an essential nutrient, as it is
manufactured in the human body from L-arginine, glycine and L-methionine.
Its main use as a supplement/drug is among people wanting
to develop their muscles, like athletes and bodybuilders. Taking the standard dose of 5-10 mg has the
same effect as eating a very high protein diet.
In people with muscle wasting diseases, Creatine is also used. What I found interesting was the research showing an effect in depression. There are marked similarities between conditions like depression and ASD.
We will return later in the post to another reason that
Creatine may be relevant to autism; it appears to be something the research
community did not notice. Now back to
those professional researchers:-
Science has identified three types of Creatine deficiency
and all three lead to mental retardation and/or autism. Two types are very rare, but are treatable;
the third type is far more common, affecting about a million people worldwide,
and is currently untreatable in humans.
In mice, this third type has been “cured”, but the money is not yet
available to develop and test a human version of the therapy.
AGAT (L-Arginine:glycine
amidinotransferase) is an enzyme. This
enzyme is needed for the body to produce Creatine. AGAT deficiency will cause Creatine
deficiency and lead to mental retardation and autism.
For those regularly following my blog, please note the
following: It has been suggested that AGAT activity in tissues is regulated in
a number of ways including induction by growth hormone (GH) and thyroxine (T4).
The actual genetic mutation associated with AGAT involves
a tryptophan codon being
converted to a stop codon at residue 149.
You may recall in my post on serotonin, we learnt about
its precursor tryptophan and how it appears to be degraded in the autistic
One particular paper was:-
One particular paper was:-
GAMT (Guanidinoacetate
N-methyltransferase) is another enzyme required to produce Creatine. As with AGAT deficiency, if you are deficient
in GAMT, autism and mental retardation will follow.
If diagnosed, defects of Creatine biosynthesis are
treated with Creatine supplements and, in GAMT deficiency, with ornithine and
dietary restriction of arginine through limitation of protein intake.
X-linked Creatine deficiency
The final type of Creatine deficiency is much more
common, but is much more difficult to treat.
The defect is the Creatine transporter that should allow the Creatine into
brain cells, where it plays a critical role in the
brain’s energy needs. No matter how much Creatine you give to people with this
disorder, they cannot use it, because their Creatine transporters (CRTs) are
Fortunately, thanks to Dr Joseph Clark,
Professor of Neurology at the University of Cincinnati, there is light at the
end of the tunnel. Dr Clark has been researching the Creatine
metabolism for some years. Very
unusually, he has been sharing his experiences with us, via his blog.
To cut a long story short, the good doctor has figured
out that by using an analog (a modified version) of Creatine called
cyclocreatine he could normalize the function of mice with X-linked Creatine
deficiency. All he now has to do, is to
make it work in humans, fully test it and get it FDA approved.
The problem is there is no more money. In his blog post he tells us that all he needs
$26 million and three more years
Here is the official report from the University:-
Peter’s thoughts on Creatine
I started
looking at Creatine because it appears to stimulate IGF-1 (insulin-like growth
factor 1). This is not
a fact well-known to endocrinologists, but it is very well known to athletes and body
builders. They take Creatine orally and
it stimulates muscle growth. Research
has even measured the change in IGF-1 in muscle tissue resulting from Creatine
supplementation.In a recent post I pointed out that IGF-1 is itself being used in autism trials, as is a novel Australian analog of IGF-1 [1-3] called NNZ-2566. The big advantage of NNZ-2566 is that it is taken orally.
The release
of IGF-1 is stimulated by growth hormone GH.
Secretion of growth hormone (GH) in the pituitary is
regulated by the hypothalamus, which
release the peptides Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) and Growth hormone-inhibiting hormone (GHIH)
into the blood surrounding the pituitary. GH release in the pituitary is
primarily determined by the balance of these two peptides, which in turn is
affected by many physiological stimulators (e.g., exercise, nutrition, sleep)
and inhibitors (e.g., free fatty acids) of GH secretion.
Stimulators of growth hormone (GH) secretion include:- peptide
- GHRH through
binding to the growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor
- ghrelin through
binding to growth hormone secretagogue receptors
- sex hormones
- increased androgen secretion
during puberty (in males from testis and in females from adrenal cortex)
- estrogen
- clonidine and L-DOPA by
stimulating GHRH release
α4β2 nicotinic agonists, including nicotine, which also act synergistically with clonidine
(Interestingly clonidine is a drug used for ADHD, or autism-lite, as I call it)
(Interestingly clonidine is a drug used for ADHD, or autism-lite, as I call it)
- hypoglycemia, arginine and propranolol by
inhibiting somatostatin release
- deep sleep
- niacin as nicotinic
acid (Vitamin B3)
- fasting
- vigorous exercise
Factors that are known to cause variation in the levels of (GH) and IGF-1
in the circulation include: genetic make-up, the time of day, age, sex,
exercise status, stress levels, nutrition level and body mass index (BMI),
disease state, race, estrogen status and xenobiotic intake. The later inclusion of
xenobiotic intake as a factor influencing GH-IGF status highlights the fact
that the GH-IGF axis is a potential target for certain endocrine disrupting chemicals. These are chemicals found in both household and industrial products that
are known to interfere with the synthesis, secretion, transport, binding, action, or
elimination of natural hormones in the body that are responsible for
development, behavior, fertility, and maintenance of normal cell
Based on my
earlier primary research, I am pretty sure that in the sub-type of autism I am
dealing with, there is a deficiency of either GH or TRH, in the brain. As I result, I am interested in mention of
these hormones.(also known as 22q13 Deletion Syndrome or Phelan-McDermid Syndrome)
IGF-1 is being trialled at Mount Sinai Hospital in New
York in autistic children with SHANK3 deficiency. In true “art” rather than “science” approach,
the plan is then to trial IGF-1 on children without SHANK3 deficiency.
Here is a good explanation.
Here is a good explanation.
If you live in the Big Apple:-
Where Can I
Get Testing?
The Icahn
School of Medicine at Mount Sinai offers genetic testing for Phelan-McDermid
Syndrome/22q13 Deletion Syndrome and for SHANK3 mutations. A blood sample is
needed to conduct the test. For more information about testing, visit The Seaver Autism
Center, call (212)
It appears that
SHANK3 deficiency accounts for about 1% of autism cases.
If, as is hoped,
IGF-1 turns out to be a useful therapy in SHANK3 deficient children, it
will be tried on all ASD kids. If it
works, then what was the relevance of SHANK3 in the first place? It seems pretty odd to me.
I think most likely our current understanding of genetics is so basic, as
to be flawed. I am working via observation, rather than genetics; I know what circumstances produce near neurotypical behaviour, I just need to understand what is going on biologically. This is how I ended up with TRH and/or GH.
Well if the Mount Sinai study is successful, as it
probably will be, we should find Dr Clark in Cincinnati and give him $26 million. Then we put creatine and cyclocreatine in a
pill and give it to ALL people with ASD, since 99% will never get their
sub-type diagnosed. Either the creatine, the cyclocreatine or the extra IGF-1 will do some good, depending on the sub-type – something for everyone. And no needles.
Great post !
Hi Peter
ReplyDeleteDid you try creatine and if there was any effect?
Probably no otherwise you have included it in your poly pill.
I just wonder if high-dose EPA, supplement of creatine and choline may worth a try.
Your paper highlights that autism is not static and that chemical imbalances change over time. Most studies are just a snapshot at one moment of time.
DeleteThere was a big study that concluded that creatine anomalies are extremely rare in nonsyndromic autism.
Some people with autism do respond well to high dose EPA.
Creatine and choline are also easy to try. Creatine had no effect in my son, while choline had a negative effect.
Thats very true, and there are conflicting results from different researches too on these ratios. Seems the relatively most common deficiency is NAA (that you already pointed out before with your post). But NAA deficiency can also be a result of neuron disorder...
DeleteThanks Peter.
Has anyone found anything new and or helpful in dealing with SLC6A8 mutations, leading to x derived creatine transporter deficiency? I was able to locate cyclocreatine in a blend known as cyclo creation by ALRI. It can be purchased here:
ReplyDeleteFor now but seems to be discontinued. It contains :Cyclo-Creatine Phosphate - Supports cognitive improvements as well as an apparent therapy for CRT deficiency. †
Betaine Anhydrous - Helps to support normal functions of different parts of the body such as: blood, bones, eyes, heart, muscle, nerves, and the brain and increases athletic performance. †
Creatine Phosphate - This helps to create ATP which provides energy for muscle contractions. †
Taurine - Supports normal brain and heart functions and nerve growth. This can also help to lower blood pressure. †
Glycocyamine - This is used in your body to transport creatine to muscle tissue and increases muscle creatine levels. †