We report that daily administration of
the diuretic NKCC1 chloride co-transporter, bumetanide, reduces the severity of
autism in a 10-year-old Fragile X boy using CARS, ADOS, ABC, RDEG and RRB
before and after treatment. In keeping with extensive clinical use of this
diuretic, the only side effect was a small hypokalaemia. A double-blind
clinical trial is warranted to test the efficacy of bumetanide in FRX.
This single case report showed an
improvement of the scores of each test used after 3 months of treatment.
Double-blind clinical trials are warranted to test the efficacy of bumetanide
in FRX.
Clinical observations have shown that GABA-acting
benzodiazepines exert paradoxical excitatory effects in autism, suggesting
elevated intracellular chloride (Cl-)i and excitatory action of GABA. In a previous
double-blind randomized study, we have shown that the diuretic NKCC1
chloride importer antagonist bumetanide,
that decreases (Cl-)i and reinforces GABAergic inhibition, reduces the severity
of autism symptoms. Here, we report results from an open-label trial pilot
study in which we used functional magnetic esonance imaging and
neuropsychological testing to determine the effects of 10 months bumetanide
treatment in adolescents and young adults with autism. We show that bumetanide
treatment improves emotion recognition and enhances the activation of
brain regions involved in social and emotional perception during the perception
of emotional faces. The improvement of emotion processing by bumetanide
reinforces the usefulness of bumetanide as a promising treatment to improve social
interactions in autism.
My experience after 12 months of
continues to have a positive effect on Monty, aged 10 with ASD, which I would summarize as a marked increase
in awareness or “presence” or a lack of “absence” from the world. Improved social interactions may have followed, but are secondary.
My own
impression is that the effect peaks and then reduces somewhat. This also appears to be the case with NAC
and Atorvastatin. I think the body is
adjusting to the new treatments, via feedback loops. This is inevitable, it is just a matter of human
physiology. If the above MRI study shows
a long term change in brain function, then great.
I hope that
my future therapies will be more disease changing, this does look to be
possible. Early signs are promising.
My experience of 12 months blogging
My doctor
mother asked me over Christmas how many people have been reading my blog and
acting on it. The answer is about 6,000 page
views a month, but I suspect less than 10 people have even tried Bumetanide,
nobody has tried Atorvastatin, and a few tens have tried NAC.
I think
people are frightened of drugs.
Supplements are OK and any kind of unusual diet is great.
I think if I
proposed a diet of baked beans, fried eggs and bacon I would have a much bigger
following. Luckily that was not my objective.
With the
advent of the internet, simple drugs like diuretics are as easy to buy as supplements like NAC;
I doubt you are going to get into trouble for having an unauthorized diuretic in the bathroom
are not subject to the same manufacturing standards as drugs and there are
pretty strange things sold as “supplements”.
I will
continue to develop my own therapy for classic early onset autism and when I
finish, I will patent it and produce it as an orphan drug. Orphan drugs are for rare diseases, where
there is no other treatment. They have
less daunting regulatory requirements, meaning you do not need $25 million to develop them. In
the EU you need a serious condition affecting fewer than 5 in
10,000 people; across the EU that equates to 250,000 people. If you narrowly define my target autism
phenotype, with biomarkers you end up within this limit.
if you want to patent something, you have to keep it secret. I did discuss all this with the venture capital
firm that commercializes the intellectual property of my old university plus
that of Cambridge, Oxford and UCL. The conclusion was to either give it to the
world for free, or to commercialize it. Giving it
for free clearly has zero impact, so it has to be Plan B.So the blog continues, but it will not contain all the clever stuff.
Next steps
I have also
been busy in the last twelve months, having taken my inspiration from the
Frenchmen, Ben-Ari and Lemmonier. I have
had my own “breakthroughs”, by applying the research and some imagination.
While you
cannot totally cure genuine autism, you can go a long way, far further than I
would have dared to believe possible.
You can
treat the most difficult issues such as absence, anxiety, aggression and SIB. Odd behavioural traits like obsessions and
compulsions can be greatly reduced. The
combined effect is definitely a much happier person.
I think
there is much more possible in areas like mood, confidence, creativity, sociability
and indeed cognitive performance.
was a very important first step, but in itself it is far from a “cure”. In combination with some other safe drugs, the result will indeed be remarkable.
The final
element will be time itself. The human
brain does not come ready programmed; the first few years of childhood are used
to establish full brain function. In
autism, during these important first few years the brain was running in “safe
mode”, all sorts of important connections were never made and some were
lost. The brain does remain plastic
throughout life and so it has the potential to make some of these missing connections.
The drug
treatment has to deal with oxidative stress, neuro-inflammation, several ion
channel/transporter dysfunctions and the tricky area of central hormonal
hypofunction/dysfunction. Note that not all people with autism respond to Bumetanide. Only a large clinical trial will show what percentage are responders. In the same way, I expect only a minority of those diagnosed with ASD by current psychiatric measures will respond to my drug; but it would be possible to identify them based on biomarkers and case histories.
We will be trying verpamil, even tho our dev ped said no. I'll let ya know how it goes- buying it from Canada
ReplyDeleteIt is likely to work if there is some visible problems with allergy (eg food or pollen). So if there are GI problems or rhinitis, it may be very helpful.
DeleteHello Peter this post made me feel better today, a while ago my son hit his grandmother with a metal toy car, she said she told him to stop throwing things, but I told her that sometimes he's not listening. He has been better these days, he's been about 3 months with bumetanide and there have been many improvements, two days ago he started to take off his diaper and now he goes to the bathroom which is great, I've noticed he is responding more to questions, he is using more words and he likes to make decisions. Sometimes I think that he's better because he's growing, but now I remember how he seemed to be getting worse before he had a treatment. I've been thinking about trying low dose clonazepam, though I sometimes think about using valporate instead because of the GABA ''turnover'' effect that you commented, NAC hasn't arrived and there's a local supplement store selling ALA which I am sometimes tempted to buy. I think what worries me the most is how inflammation may be affecting him.
ReplyDeleteLisa, ALA and NAC are both thiol antioxidants.
DeleteThey will have very similar effects. ALA has been used as a drug in Germany for 40 years to treat people with diabetes.
Thank you Peter for always responding.