It is easy to get things the wrong
way round.
This applies to science and to some
people getting dressed
Today’s post was prompted by a reader
updating me about Roche’s autism drug RO7017773,
which targets the alpha 5 sub-unit of GABAA
receptors, encoded by the gene GABRA5.
Enrollment opens in phase II study of RO-7017773 for
autism spectrum disorder
12-Week Placebo-Controlled Study to Investigate the Efficacy, Safety, and
Tolerability of RO7017773 in Participants Aged 15-45 Years With Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD)
Some people
with severe autism, or just plain old ID/MR, which has gone out of fashion as a
diagnosis these days, struggle to dress themselves because they do not notice
what is inside out, or back to front. I
recall reading a few years ago about one autism parent who started a clothing
company to get round this problem.
ADAPTIVE CLOTHING with no front/back and reversible so cannot be inside out.
I must say
that writing this blog I am often left wondering which way round things
are. Do we want an agonist or an
antagonist, a positive allosteric modulator or a negative one. Many times things do seem to work backwards.
If you
follow the research you will see that researchers often get things mixed up,
with one group trying one strategy and yet another group of Ivy league bright-sparks
doing exactly the opposite. The Vasopressin research is a good example.
Are they
dyslexic? Perhaps dyspraxic?
Today it is
the turn of GABRA5: do we want to upregulate it, or downregulate it?
the gene that encodes the alpha 5 sub-unit of GABAa receptors.
A few years
ago, the drug firm Roche spent a lot of money developing a negative modulator
of these receptors. That did not work
and Basmisanil
(developmental codes RG-1662 and RO5186582) was abandoned as a
treatment to raise cognition in Down syndrome.
Roche are
now trialing the opposite therapy, a positive allosteric modulator of alpha 5 sub-unit of GABAa receptors,
this time to treat autism.
GABA to treat autism
GABA is an
important neurotransmitter and it seems to be dysfunctional in many types of
autism, as well as other neurological conditions.
Both the
A-type and the B-type of GABA receptors can respond to treatment.
When it
comes to the A-type, we can be very clever and target specific sub-units of the
receptor to achieve different goals.
Each receptor is made up of two α subunits, two βs
and one γ.
In humans, the possibilities are made up of :
six types of α subunits
three βs (GABRB1, GABRB2, GABRB3)
three γs (GABRG1, GABRG2, GABRG3)
What is particularly interesting is
that the make up these receptors is not fixed, it is changing all the time and
you can influence it with therapy.
It looks like you might even be able
to treat alcohol addiction by targeting one of the sub-units.
In the world
of autism it is more anxiety and cognition that we are targeting, but some
types of seizure may also be targeted.
In previous
posts I identified alpha 3 (GABRA3) and
alpha 5 (GABRA5) as subunits that I felt were the interesting ones to improve
cognition in autism. Alpha 3 is the
target of the low dose clonazepam therapy.
Alpha 5 also
fits in with my experience of inflammation-induced reduction in cognitive function.
these results show that α5GABAA receptor
activity increases during inflammation and that this increase is critical for
inflammation-induced memory deficits.
We know that
female hormones modulate subunit expression, today we see that oxytocin also
does this. So, yet another possible effect of a little more oxytocin.
Before I
forget, I should add that that the nootropic herb Bacopa affects GABRA5 (in
“BME (Bacopa monnieri) significantly
reversed the down-regulated Gabra1, Gabra4, Gabra5 gene expression of GABAA receptors subunits”
following paper has been published since I wrote my earlier posts on GABRA5 and
is very thorough.
α5 subunit containing GABA type A receptors
(GABAARs) have long been an enigmatic receptor subtype of interest
due to their specific brain distribution, unusual surface localization and key
role in synaptic plasticity, cognition and memory. These receptors are uniquely
positioned to sculpt both the developing and mature hippocampal circuitry due
to high overall expression and a distinct peak within the critical synapse
formation period during the second postnatal week. Unlike the majority of other
GABAARs, they exhibit both receptor clustering at extrasynaptic
sites via interactions with the radixin scaffold as well as
synaptic sites via gephyrin, thus contributing respectively to
tonic currents and synaptic GABAergic neurotransmission. α5 GABAAR signaling can
be altered in neurodevelopmental disorders including autism and mental
retardation and by inflammation in CNS injury and disease. Due to the unique physiology and
pharmacology of α5 GABAARs, drugs targeting these receptors are
being developed and tested as treatments for neurodevelopmental disorders,
depression, schizophrenia, and mild cognitive impairment. This review
article focuses on advances in understanding how the α5 subunit contributes to
GABAAR neurobiology. In particular, I discuss both recent insights
and remaining knowledge gaps for the functional role of these receptors,
pathologies associated with α5 GABAAR dysfunction, and the effects
and potential therapeutic uses of α5 receptor subtype targeted drugs.
Genetic Disorders with Altered α5 GABAAR
acute reduction in α5 GABAARs has shown potential for improving
cognition and memory, further studies both in mouse models and human patients
link long term reduction with significant pathologies. Reduced α5 GABAAR levels, function or
protein interactions have been observed in patients with neurodevelopmental
disorders including intellectual disability, epilepsy and autism. Common
conditions among these disorders include cognitive impairments, increased
anxiety, autism-related behaviors, sleep disorders and epilepsy susceptibility
α5 GABAAR Therapeutics
NAMs that selectively reduce α5 GABAAR
function have been heavily pursued for the potential development of cognitive
enhancing or “smart” drugs. The following are a
selection of α5 GABAAR NAMs: L-655,708, α5IA, Ro15-4513, MRK-016,
RO4938581, and RY-80 Importantly, α5 NAMs did not exhibit the convulsant or
pro-convulsant activity of more general alpha subunit NAMs, had good oral
bioavailability and easily crossed the blood brain barrierIn contrast to NAMs
which act via the GABAAR benzodiazepine binding
site, S44819 was recently identified as a competitive antagonist of GABA at α5
GABAAR and showed similar pro-cognitive effects as NAMs: blocking
α5-GABAAR tonic current, enhancing LTP, reversing
scopolamine-induced impairment of spatial working memory and enhancing object
recognition memory). Finally,
recent evidence for beneficial effects of positive allosteric modulators (PAMs)
in aged brain cognition, autism, depression and schizophrenia has bolstered α5
PAM drug development. A selection of α5 preferring PAMs includes
SH-053-R-CH3-2′F, MP-III-022, and GL-II-73. Potential therapeutic applications
for α5 preferring NAMs and PAMs are discussed below with a focus on CNS specific
uses (Table 1).

NAM α5 GABAAR Therapeutic Applications
Although these pharmacological successes led to
a Phase II clinical trial for a related compound RG1662 (Hoffman-La Roche) in
Down syndrome patients, the
trial did not meet the primary and secondary endpoints of improved cognition
and function.
Inflammation Induced
Mild Cognitive Impairment and Post Anesthesia Memory Blockade
PAM α5 GABAAR Therapeutic Applications
Mouse models of neurodevelopmental disorders
that present with insufficient inhibitory tone show improvement with positive
modulators of GABAAR signaling. In the Scn1a+/− mouse model of
Dravet syndrome, a severe childhood epileptic encephalopathy syndrome with
hyperactivity and autism behaviors, abnormal social behaviors and fear memory deficits
were rescued following treatment with a benzodiazepine, clonazepam. In an ASD
mouse model with reduced GABAAR-mediated inhibition, the BTBR T+tf/J
mouse, the α2,3 and 5 PAM L-838,417, improved deficits in social interaction,
repetitive behaviors, and spatial learning.
Mild Cognitive
Impairment in Aging
α5 GABAAR NAMs enhance memory in young rodents, it appears positive
modulation may be more therapeutic in aging brains impaired by excess activity.
Particularly in disorders such as Alzheimer’s which are hallmarked by overexcitation
Depression and
important unmet need where α5 GABAARs PAM pharmacotherapy may be
applicable is in the development of new fast-acting anti-depressant drugs
Roche did
develop a (NAM) drug to target the alpha 5 sub-unit in order to improve cognition in
Down Syndrome.
Basmisanil ( RG-1662 and RO5186582)
is a highly selective inverse agonist/negative
allosteric modulator of α5 subunit-containing GABAA receptors which is
under development by Roche for the
treatment of cognitive
impairment associated with Down syndrome. As of June 2016, it is no longer studied.
Then came
the opposite strategy, a PAM (positive allosteric modulator):-
RG 7816
Alternative Names: RG-7816; RO-7017773
Mechanism of Action GABA A alpha 5 receptor modulators
Orphan Drug Status No
New Molecular Entity Yes
Highest Development
Phase II Pervasive child development disorders
Most Recent Events
23 Feb 2021Phase-II clinical trials in Pervasive child
development disorders (In adolescents, In adults) in Canada (PO) (NCT04299464)
12 Mar 2020Hoffmann-La Roche plans a phase II trial for
Pervasive child development disorders (Autism Spectrum Disorder) in USA (PO)
(NCT04299464) (EudraCT2019-003524-20)
22 Apr 2019Roche completes a phase I trial in Pervasive child
development disorders (In volunteers) in USA (PO, Capsule, Tablet)
autism spectrum disorder
4. Phase 1
RG7816 is a small
molecule highly selective positive allosteric modulator of the GABAA α5
receptor, which is expressed in key brain regions for autism spectrum disorder.
Two phase I clinical trial is evaluating RG7816 for the treatment of patients
with autism spectrum disorder.
Modifying the response specific to
sub-units of GABAA receptors is a really nuanced therapy.
In a way I am not surprised that there
is, as yet, no one size fits all therapy.
Will Roche’s trial of a drug to
increase the effect of GABRA5 (a PAM) be more successful than their drug to
reduce the effect of GABRA5 a (NAM)?
I do not know, but in the perfect
world you would have both drugs and then see if fine-tuning GABRA5 ( + or -), on
a case by case basis, was therapeutic. That would be personalized medicine.
At least we can modify GABRA3
extremely cheaply with Professor Catterall’s low dose clonazepam.
Note that we saw in my original posts
that the Japanese attribute the
benefit of low dose clonazepam to the γ2 subunit of GABAa receptors, which is encoded by GABRG2, for
those who don’t speak Greek.
A curative effect of clonazepam on autistic-like
These results demonstrate that ASD-like
behaviour in PX-RICS−/− mice is caused by impaired postsynaptic GABA signalling and
that GABAAR agonists have the
potential to treat ASD-like behaviour in JBS patients and possibly
non-syndromic ASD individuals.
syndrome is a condition mainly found in girls and it is one of those more rare
small-headed conditions (microcephaly). It features MR/ID and often an autism
diagnosis. It is caused by missing part
of chromosome 11, apparently one of the most disease-rich
The fact that low-dose (sub-anxiolytic) clonazepam rescued the autistic behavior in mice does not mean that
anyone has tried it in little girls with Jacobsen syndrome; that would require too
much common sense.